Wednesday, February 5, 2020

July 2011- A Beautiful Day

I was taking a walk around my town when the scenery started changing and I was now no longer alone.  Mike and our friends Cindy and Jessica were with me. We all looked as we did in our mid-teens. We were walking on Raritan Road near my town.

   The landscape was different though. There were lots of trees where the Parkway should be. I could see a road beyond this but it was just a regular one. The bridge that used to go over the Parkway was no longer there.

    I saw a pond instead of the intersection which had formerly been the circle kind was.  I was glad that they had eliminated before I started driving. I noticed some ducks near the edge of this pond- a mommie with her 4 babies; they were so darn cute.

   The surrounding area had much less development and was semi- rural. We walked past a general store/gas station. There weren’t that many cars on the roads.

   We were heading towards Clark. It was a beautiful day – sunshine and temps in the mid-70s. The scent of the flowers and trees was lovely I saw a pathway next to the church that led to the forest. We decided to go into it for a little while.

    We saw deer and just stood there watching it for about a minute watching them.  I saw a female deer on another pathway and decided to follow her. She headed another direction after a couple of minutes but we stayed on that path.

    After walking another 10 minutes, we saw an area that had some picnic benches. A family of 4 was sitting at one of them having their lunch. We started talking to them about the deer and other things. They were nice enough to ask us if we wanted to join them for this meal; they had plenty of extra food. We gladly accepted this generous offer.

   I saw a couple of people riding bikes. They waved to us and we waved back. So far, everyone seemed so friendly and relaxed. I was feeling so happy and peaceful. I wasn’t even feeling a bit of tension or fear.

   The food was delicious. I had a turkey wrap sandwich- real turkey, not the lunchmeat kind. I did wonder why they had extra food; maybe their friends were supposed to meet them here but they were unable to show up. I should have asked but didn’t feel right about doing so. Even in the holodeck I still have some social anxiety.

   I was so glad that we had taken this path. We stayed with that family for a little over an hour. We needed to get back to the main road to go to where we had originally been heading- the bakery. Our parents wanted us to get the rolls for the party that we’d be having at Mr. and Mrs. K’s house that night from there.

   The houses were spread out far apart in this reality as were the businesses. I was happy to see that one of our favourite ice cream places, Carvel, still existed here. It closed down about 10 years ago and now a Portuguese Barbeque place (I think).

   The bakery was in a row of shops located where the Krauser’s is on my Earth. All of the stuff in there looked so good. Mike wanted to get a cupcake but Jessica said that her Mom had made some for the party so he didn’t.

   I was hoping that my alien friend would let me stay in this program for at least a few days. I wondered what else about this version of my town/surrounding area would be different. And what about our family situation- did my parents get along well here? Did we have our doggies? Maybe we had all 3 at the same time- Buffy, Ginger and Mookie; that would be so nice.

    We were back in our small town about 30 minutes later. Everything was looking basically the same here so far- circa the mid- 1980s, that is. Sometimes even though we look younger, it might be another time period that we are in during these storylines.

    I was very pleased and overjoyed when I saw my Ginger pup in our yard. I gave her a big hug and told her how much I loved her. Just as I was about to go down the walkway with my friends and brother, the scenery around me started to fade. I was now in the present time right near the township office, where I had been before being transported to the holodeck.

   It would have been great if I had been in fantasy land for longer, even if it had just been for that party. It sounded like it was going to be fun. I wondered why Sam sent me home before then. There are often abrupt endings to the storylines. I never complain though, I’m just happy that I’m able to be a part of some wonderful experiences there.

Ginger 1983

Osceola Church

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