I have such good memories of listening to mom's holiday albums and my Chipmunks one too. I did dub them onto tape but would like to get cds of these and others that we have. I probably will pass on the Chipmunks though. I did get mom 4 holiday cds a few years ago. I'd like to get the Elvis one next. What is some of your favourite Christmas music?
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Christmas music
I have such good memories of listening to mom's holiday albums and my Chipmunks one too. I did dub them onto tape but would like to get cds of these and others that we have. I probably will pass on the Chipmunks though. I did get mom 4 holiday cds a few years ago. I'd like to get the Elvis one next. What is some of your favourite Christmas music?
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Our Christmas Decorations 2- Snoopy and Scooby
I got the Scooby ornaments at the Warner Brothers store at our Woodbridge Mall and in CVS in the mid or late 90's. I also have been collecting the Scooby, Snoopy and the Muppets Hallmark ornaments. I didn't think to take photos of those when I was going through my decorations to better organize them. I haven't really decorated for Christmas since the late 90's. We have so many decorations. My favourite are the ones from my childhood, esp. handmade items.
Scooby Doo,
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
My Sticker Collection 2
I loved collecting and trading stickers in the 80s. I must admit that I do still collect them now and just bought 3 packs today - Snoopy, doggies and horses. I still have to put some of them in a book but might need to get a new one because the one that my friend Carolyn got me in the late 1990s is pretty full. This is my 1980s book. The Muppets and the doggies Christmas stickers are my favourite from these pages. For all sticker lovers - more posts on this in the future. What were some of your favourite stickers ?
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
We still miss you, Buffy

Tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of our special spaniel Buffy's death. We still miss her very much and think of her everday. She is sitting on the farm scene chair with her pet rock which was her favourite toy. She looks like she is in deep thought in the bottom photo. Some days when I'm feeling blue I picture myself giving her a big squeeze hug like I used to do often and this cheers me up. I hope that I get to see her again in the afterlife.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Duran Duran - NYC October 25, 2011
My brother and I really enjoyed this concert 2 weeks ago. The seats were better than I expected - 5th row in the bottom section towards the left in a section towards the left but not close to the stage. Those seats would've cost 30.00 more. I might have been willing to pay that if my brother hadn't wanted to come with me. I suppose we could've gotten tickets in seperate sections. Nah- I would've been cutting into my computer savings fund to do so. I guess that I got a little spoiled after the last 3 concerts of general admission and being pretty close to the stage.
My brother was happy when they did The Reflex, Notorious and Wild Boys, the latter being not a song of theirs that I really care for. I was pleased that the did Planet Earth, Is There Something I Should Know and Careless Memories. Mark seemed a little disappointed that they didn't do Girls on Film, nor did they perform Save a Prayer. I wasn't that upset about this but felt bad for the people who had either never seen them in concert before or haven't in a long time so if they liked these songs I'm sure they would've been disappointed just as I would've been if they hadn't done the 3 that I mentioned.
They did 7 songs from the new album. I like Leave a Light On and Before the Rain. Mark said that they should've only done 5. I didn't even have the new album yet. I ordered this a couple days after the concert. I usually buy the souvenir tour books at Duran Duran and Bon Jovi concerts but did not do so this year for either group. It was 35.00. I need that money for more important things now. Rio, my former #1 favourite song was last and right after the show I was already wishing that I could see them again.
Yes, I did look into getting tickets for Atlantic City but there were none available when I checked a few times. No way would I drive down there. I looked into options and taking a bus from NYC seemed the best bet. The Borgata just happens to be the place furthest from the station so I would've had to take a cab. It's probably for the best that this didn't work out because that Saturday was the day of the storm and power outage in New Jersey. I feel kind of embarrased for hoping that they will return to this area sometime next year so I can see them for one final time. This was the 8th time in 6 and a half years. The first was also at Madison Square Garden in 2005.
Someone spilled their beer on my jacket and my arm which was kind of upsetting. I've always been afraid that this would happen. I dislike the smell of beer. I tried to let this go but it was in the back of my mind a little during the first few songs. She did give me tissues to wipe it up and 5.00 toward the dry cleaning. I can sort of laugh about this a bit but it would've been nice if I didn't let it affect my enjoyment during those songs and also I was too embarrassed in the beginning to really get into the music because I was afraid that my brother would tease me alot about that. He is always teasing me which is annoying. He actually thinks that I have a crush on Simon LeBon. I'd rather him think that then know who it really is that I like in that group. I was using my binoculars alot, esp. on John Taylor. It was like being in the front row then. I wouldn't let myself use them as much at first though, also because of the shame issue.
I am so glad that I somehow found out about a presale for this event for WPLJ listeners. I forget how. This is why I was able to get such good seats. I haven't really listened to that station in a long time but I used to often. The 2 morning djs were on stage before the show. A group called Neon Trees was the opening act and they were on for about 30 minutes. I don't know anything about them. The one song did sound familiar.
70's music,
Duran Duran,
John Taylor,
New York,
Friday, November 4, 2011
The Power Outage Experience
On Saturday October 29 at about 1:30 pm, our power went out because the tree on our neighbour's yard that should have been cut down ages ago started losing limbs and branches that knocked the power lines down. Part of the lines landed on my car but luckily no damage from the tree. I would have been really pissed off if there had been. We had the tree in our yard cut down a few weeks ago. I'm sure that branches and limbs would've fallen from that too.
It was awful being without power and heat for 3 and a half days. We were so cold. I moved the food from the fridge to the freezer section which helped keep it from spoiling. We did have to throw the chicken and turkey burgers away though. I saved our 18 containers of yogurt and other stuff. I don't think alot of this stuff would've lasted for much longer though. During the last power outage at the end of August we lost 80.00 worth of groceries. Maybe some of the items could've been saved if I had thought of the freezer idea then.
We still have not gotten our cable service back. They came out on Wednesday but apparently there must be something with our digital converter boxes because it seems like the neighbours have their service restored. The earliest that they can send someone to our house is on Sunday morning. It's awful missing out on my shows. My brother just says it's no big deal because tv isn't important to him but I bet that if he had to go without his computer for this extra time he would be angry.
I hope that everyone has been well these days. I know that it has been a while since I've been here but I have been thinking about you all and am looking forward to reconnecting with my blog friends soon. I am currently saving for my own computer so I will be able to spend more time at this and other sites. My brother still hates me using his so I get very limited time on it and lately even when I've had the chance I've had a bunch of other things to do. Have a great weekend!
I hope that everyone has been well these days. I know that it has been a while since I've been here but I have been thinking about you all and am looking forward to reconnecting with my blog friends soon. I am currently saving for my own computer so I will be able to spend more time at this and other sites. My brother still hates me using his so I get very limited time on it and lately even when I've had the chance I've had a bunch of other things to do. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Halloween 1975

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I'm going to see Duran Duran tonight
I took these photos at the last Duran Duran concert that I went to at the Wellmont Theater in Montclair, N.J. on December 14, 2008. I was lucky enough to be close to the stage because it was general admission (is that the right term?) and I got there 3 hours early so I was 3 rows from it. I did use a bit of zoom which isn't that great on my camera. I kind of went bonkers with the photo taking and the battery ran out before the last 5 songs. I had never taken a camera to a concert before because I prefer to focus on the music so I don't know what possesed me to do so this time - never again.
Well, tonight my brother and I will not be this close to the stage. We are going to Madison Square Garden in NYC and our seats are on the first level but almost directly across from it towards the left which should be okay. I've never been that far down at a concert - it's normally nosebleed seats for us. I'm really excited but also nervous about this event. I worry that the NJT trains will be delayed which seems to be happening alot lately but I'm praying that this won't be the case. I hope that we will be able to get a spot in the parking lot at the station too. I will try not to let my anxieties spoil the evening though.
I read a review and set list from their Chicago show and they did 7 songs from the new album and 13 hits. No Girls on Film but it's alright if they skip it as long as they do Planet Earth which I always liked better than that anyhow. My brother might be disappointed though. I hope that they do Is There Something I Should Know and Careless Memories as they did for that show. My brother seems to like Wild Boys but I don't really care for that and even sometimes skip over it on the CD. I will be doing a post about our concert experience soon. I wish that I could go to the Atlantic City show too but after all I spent at the US Open this year that is definitely not in the budget plus I'm kind of scared to go there. It's easier going into the city for us.
Saturday, October 8, 2011

I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed these days. I haven't been able to even think straight to use the computer. I have many ideas and photos for posts but my head feels like it's going to explode just thinking about which to use next and what to write about it. Thoughts of my Buffy and Mookie are the only thing that is keeping me calm now. Maybe I've already used this photo. They both looked so relaxed. I miss them alot. There is so many things to be done on the computer like sending my tennis photos to Walgreens to be printed out, reading and commenting on my friend's posts here, looking up recipes at Food Network and more. I think that the stress that I am getting from being constantly criticized by my brother and having to put up with his many bad behaviors like being a control freak and complaining alot has made my brain feel drained of energy. I hope that I can somehow recharge it and get back to doing the things that I enjoy like connecting with everyone here. I hope that you have all been doing well lately. And thank you very much for stopping by and for your nice comments which if I haven't replied to yet will try to do so soon.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Scarecrow Contest - 1980s

Peddler's Village, Pennsylvania - mid 1980's scarecrow contest. Mom, Aunt Al, Mary and I went here a few times in the 80's, twice in the fall to see the cool scarecrows. My other cousin Janet was with us once. I don't remember my brother being there. Maybe he was one time. I'm in the one picture looking at the bear outside one of the many great small shops in this village. My favourite was the one with lots of stickers, stationary and cards. The kitchen items store was good too. We ate in a nice restraunt there. The last time that I was here was in the early 90s on my own. It was more fun with my family though.
These 3 are my favourite scarecrows. I am very scared of spiders but thought that this one was cool. I often think about going back there someday but my driving anxiety plus the cost of gas has kept me from doing so. A visit to Aunt Al in Bordentown, NJ is definitely a goal for me in overcoming that anxiety. It's an hour drive which is beyond my 10 mile comfort zone. My brother wants to go to the flea market near her house next month. It's been about 9 years since I last drove down there.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Snoopy T-Shirts
My mom and I saw a cool Peanuts T-shirt in Kohl's the other day but it was in the men's section. It was a Halloween one. I'm thinking of going back there and getting one in a small for her. It would be too big for me. These are the 3 Snoopy shirts that I do have. I only wear them with a pair of sweatshorts or sweatpants to sleep in though. I did see another cool one in the JC Penney's flyer a couple of months ago. Snoopy was doing his dance of joy surrounded by some cupcakes. Yummy, I'd be happy too. I was tempted to go there and get it even though it was in the girl's department but did not. I do have a Scooby one in XL from that department. I used the money towards a book for mom instead. I just love character shirts.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Our Basement - 1980s

This is the basement of our old apartment in the 1980's. The bottom one is from before my room was down there. I can't remember for sure what year Mark got his basement bedroom. It might've been 1982. It was 1984 for mine. We had our own living room area too. Dad had his own little section as well and there was the laundry area also. My favorite blue couch that used to be in our real living room was part of what seemed like our own apartment down there. Mark is playing a game with our friend Kim - I think it was backgammon.
I loved my pink carpet but by 1990 it got ruined by a flood. Many people would consider paneling cheesy, but I like it and wish that we had some in our current apartment. My grandma at the farm crocheted the blanket and a matching pillow that's on my bed. That photo is from the late 80's when my Beatles/McCartney/Wings phase began. I had such posters on my wall. Elvis is on the wall of our living room outside of my bedroom.
The photo of me in front of the shelves with my stuffed animals and jewelry box is from about 1985. I no longer have the jewelry box and many of the stuffed animals but wish that I did. I do have my Kermit and Piggy which I'm glad that I was smart enough to keep. I have the 2 raccoons and the doll as well.
I'm not sure what my brother is doing in our living room in the top photo. I'll have to look at the original photo and see if I can figure this out. Whenever I scan anything it makes the image less clear and smaller. I like the photo of him in his room from 1986. He has a Haley's Comet bandana hanging on the wall. He still has it in a storage tote.
That apartment is in my dreams alot, probably because it felt more like home which this one that we've been living in since late 1993 never has. Mark is always complaining that this place is a mess and it's true that it needs some major improvements like painting of the downstairs walls but we haven't been able to fit this into our budget. We'd still be living at the old place had my dad not moved back to his mom's house next door after my parents got divorced. Mom didn't want to stay in that neighborhood so now we are on the other side of town. She had married the boy next door.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
US Open 2011 Photos
I haven't been here in so long because of going to the US Open, being sick for a week afterwards and my brother's computer giving him problems. I'm going to have so much catching up to do with all my blog friends. I have started my picture project of this event and just wanted to share some of the better ones with you all. It seems like I am a bit obsessive with the picture taking when I'm at these matches but for every 10 photos I take only a couple come out good. The first 3 are of my favourite player, Austria's Jurgen Melzer. I kind of semi stalked him after the match and got the one of him with a couple of other people having their photo taken with him. The Juan Carlos Ferrero ones didn't come out that great because it was night time. You aren't really supposed to use a flash while they are playing. The bottom photo is of the guy who first got me into tennis 5 years ago - Tommy Haas. I missed part of his match because I was watching all of the Petzschner 5 set one - should've left after the 4th.
Because of Hurricane Irene our power was out for 4 days and we were unable to recharge our batteries until Wednesday night. If I had been more conservative with the picture taking on Monday my 2 batteries probably would have lasted all of the first 2 days but they were dead by Tuesday afternoon. I had a regular 35mm camera and film with me just in case this happened but unfortunately wasn't even able to use it because I forgot that it takes a special battery and had waited until we got to the tennis center to put batteries in it - it takes 1 lithium, not AA. If I had grabbed our 80's camera too, I could have at least used this even though there isn't any zoom on it, not that the zoom on the 90s one is that good.
At first in the bus terminal - we couldn't take the train because service of New Jersey transit was suspended- I bought 2 of those disposable digital cameras at one store. They were kind of expensive- 45.oo for 2. I went into another store, saw the 4 pack of film which I bought then returned the disposable ones which I totally regret now. I obviously was not thinking clearly during this whole day. It turns out that it would have been cheaper to get like 6 of those disposable ones than it was the way that I did things. I had all the film put on a discs so I'd be able to send the best shots to the computer than to Walgreens photo to have printed out. I had put off looking at them because I feared that there would be alot of crappy shots which turned out to be right. Very disappointing.
This whole camera incident feels like I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone as does the fact that we were the only block in our small town to actually lose power during that Hurricane. We had to throw out like 80.00 worth of meats and dairy products. I'm just glad that I was smart enough to think to charge all our batteries on Saturday so at least we were able to take digital photos on Monday and part of Tuesday. It's been like 6 years since I've last used a regular camera. I didn't go digital until the end 0f 2008. I can't believe that I resisted the technology for so long. And I also looked into the bus schedule on Saturday because I was afraid that the trains might not be running. We had to walk 15 minutes to the bus stop which we wound up doing for the 5 days. We weren't even sure when the trains starting running again. The money that I saved on parking in the train lot wound up going towards the film but that was only a small portion of what I wound up throwing away because of the power outage. Things could have been much worse so I shouldn't even complain. We didn't get the flooding like many towns in Jersey did. And thank goodness that New York had their subway system up and running in time for us to get out to Queens to attend this event.
I hope that everyone has been well lately. I will have much more on our US Open experience in the future. It's nice to be back here. I'm looking forward to reading and commenting on your posts.
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