Sunday, May 8, 2022

General Motors 75th-1983-Part 2

 I wish that we had taken more photos of the vintage cars that day.

Linden Airport- across the street from the plant. I don't really remember this part of that day. I guess that the planes were a part of this celebration.

The keychain in part 1 was Dad's, this one is mine

Friday, May 6, 2022

General Motors-75th- 1983-Part 1


My father's workplace, the GM plant in Linden, NJ, had an open house in 1983, celebrating the company's 75th anniversary


Mom, Dad, Mark, and me

Monday, May 2, 2022

Dad-General Motors

 Dad worked in General Motors for about 23 years- the 1960s-1980s. He started out on the assembly line. I am pretty sure that he was putting the tires on the cars. Then he became a forklift operator.

These photos are from the early-mid-1980s.


Dad's lunchbox

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