Thursday, September 24, 2020


 October 11, 2012- Animals and a Poodle

I was walking on a wide path through a forest with my brother and Cousin Missy. In my hand was a stuffed animal- Seamore the otter. I was carrying a small wicker wastebasket in my other hand which was very odd. The weather was perfect and the scenery beautiful. I was feeling so calm.

   We saw many animals, some that don’t even really belong in this type of setting together. But since this is a holodeck, anything is possible. There were deer, a mama bear and her 4 cubs, and a leopard.

   Other people were also on this path. I saw a couple taking a picture of 2 elephants and a giraffe - they seemed to be posing for this together which was funny.

   There was a river on the one side of the path. I went over to it and saw an alligator. At first I was a little scared but it seemed as if all of the animals here were tame and wouldn’t hurt anyone or each other.

   A little further down the river was an adorable otter. I was so happy to see this. I pointed it out to Mike and we took pictures of it. Missy was looking at an owl in a nearby tree at this time. I took a photo of that too.

   I looked at my watch; it was nearly 4:00. Mike mentioned that there was going to be lots of good food at a barbeque party in a nearby field. Even the hologram Mike was excited about food. We reached a field but this one was empty so it had to be in another one.

   I realized that I was no longer carrying the wastebasket. I must’ve left it by the river. I told Missy and Mike to go ahead without me and that I would catch up with them. Why was I even bothering going back for this? I guess that I didn’t want to leave any litter in this lovely forest.

  It was starting to get dark which seemed strange because it was still kind of early but time must be different in this place. I was getting a little scared of the darkness and also being alone. I found the wastebasket and got back on the path.

   I did see one other person ahead of me then but as I was getting closer to the first field, the storyline suddenly changed. I was in an entirely different environment now, a town that looked sort of like Linden but not as many buildings and people.

   I saw a doggie lying on the grass near the church. She appeared to be injured. I went over to this apricot colored standard poodle. That size one doesn’t usually come in that color, does it? Well, here it does.

  The poor girl doggie’s back paws were wounded. Had she been in an accident or was she a victim of abuse? I didn’t know where a vet’s office was so I asked an old lady who came out of the church. She said that she would drive us there. It wasn’t that far.

   I was holding the doggie and telling her that she’ll be alright. I wasn’t even caring that blood was getting on my outfit. In reality, I have blood anxiety. The lady told me to wrap the blanket that was on the backseat around the injured paws so I did.

   At the vet’s office, I saw a guy who looked like a character in” EastEnders”- Robbie. He had his dog Wellard (I think that is his name) there for an exam and was supposed to be next to see the vet. But since my poodle had a serious injury she was a priority so he had to wait. Robbie told me that he hopes that my dog will be okay.

   The vet cleaned up the wounds and put bandages on them. There were no broken bones, thank goodness. I didn’t want to leave this doggie alone there. It didn’t have a collar or microchip. I paid the bill and said that I would take her home with me. I was surprised that the vet let me do this.

   I had to take the bus because that nice lady had not been able to wait around for me.  How did I even know that I’d be allowed to bring a dog on the bus? Sam must’ve telepathically told me this along with the fact that once again I was living at my old apartment. I had a feeling that I would be anyhow.

   Why do I hardly ever have a place of my own in these storylines? My family and I do get along in all of them so I guess that it’s okay that I’m living with them but this does seem strange.

   Mom loves poodles. She used to have 2 of them, Shu Shu and Prince. Well, they were more like her Dad’s. She immediately fell in love with this one. We called her Princess. No one seemed to be looking for her so we would keep her permanently.

Robbie and Wellard

Prince and Shu Shu

Note- All photos except the last one are from the internet.


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