Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pound Puppies

Mom got us the brown pound puppy that I named Chip in the mid 1980s. I don't know why she made it a Christmas gift for both my brother and I though. My brother didn't mind that I kept him in my room though so he's pretty much mine anyhow. She got me the smaller gray one the next year. I bought the small brown one at a flea market in the early 1990s. I don't remember where or when I got the one that looks like a cocker spaniel and the 3 minis. I had a bunch more from flea markets but recently donated these along with other toys, jewelry and clothes to a thrift shop that helps raise money for homeless animals. I didn't want to part with my Chip and the others though. I also have a small cocker spaniel that I forgot to take a picture of that I got in either Walmart or Target about 10 years ago.


Chelly said...

Oh I loved Pound Puppies. I'm trying to remember the theme song for this. I'll have to check on YouTube. Your Pound Puppies are so adorable. When you get a chance, please do post pics of the cocker spaniels too. :)

Unknown said...

My son had a talking "Howler" Dog. (Pretty much the equivalent to Teddy Ruxpin) He loved that thing when he was a toddler!

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